Wednesday, 30 April 2014


Objectivity by researchers has not, and probably never will be attained. People will always have biases; some will be created by cultural values and others by personal views. The search for objectivity lies in the realm of philosophy along with the search for reality. Even though objectivity can never be reached, people are better at making observations, discoveries, and decisions if they attempt to set aside their biases.
As I have learned in my Theory of Knowledge class, perception and thought are intimately connected. While the same rays of light may enter two different peoples eyes, what they see may be very different. The brain takes the input from the eyes and processes it to form an image. That image is not the only thing the brain produces; it also provides extra information based on generalizations and bias. This unconscious addition of information changes the observation of an object. By attempting to reduce the addition of extraneous information being added to the observation, by being objective, a true observation of an object can be more closely approximated.
Discoveries, especially in the scientific realm can be doubly affected by a lack of objectivity. Since scientific discoveries are based on observation, all of the problems associated with observation apply as well to discoveries. Additional problems occur in the analysis of data collected by a scientific experiment. In a recent experiment in physics class, almost all of the students in my class analyzed the data incorrectly. However, armed with the knowledge that zero percent error is never possible, we were satisfied with the results. Our personal belief in the validity of the method of analyzation we chose, and lack of objectivity, led to our incorrect discovery in the field of energy. A lack of objectivity can clearly be seen to be a problem in my last student council election as well. The most popular person was chosen for president, not the objectively best candidate. Since then, the president has done nothing for our school. If the people involved had attempted to set aside their biases and pursue the goal of objectivity, it is less likely that errors would have been made.
Bias will always be a part of human life. It can, however, be limited in how much we let it affect us. The less we allow bias to influence, the more objective we are, the less likely we are to come to false opinions, discoveries, and bad decisions.

Is there always a "However"!

There is always a "however". each situation has its benefits as well as its drawbacks. The statement "there is always a however" is extremely accurate, for most of things there are conditions. Most of the time it is not always as easy as saying that you want to do something and then getting it. There is always some sort of stipulation set by someone else that you must follow. Teenagers are specially relevant to this word "however", especially because it is used most of the time to ruin there plans 

 One very
common situation is when the teacher gives you a project and tells you to make it on whatever you like. Your head starts to get flooded with ideas just when she says "however; it need to be related to Soviet union". All that creativeness and innovation is now gone.

One more example is when you ask your parents to let you go out for the night to party.  They say 'YES' without any hesitation. You get very excited and just before you leave; they utter the words you dreaded to hear; "however you have to be back before 10 pm.". All that excitement is now gone isn't it. Bad luck!!
Well the word is not all bad. It can sometimes make someones day. When you go for your college interview, they tell you that your grades are not worthy of their college, you become very sad to hear something like that, just then they say "However; you got a lot of social services as well as co-curricular activities, hence we would be lucky to have you.", that word is now the reason for your happiness in life. 

The word can ruin your day if used incorrectly, "however" it also has silver linings and can make your life.


In India every state, city or union territory has its own speciality. Mumbai has Bollywood and the financial market, Kolkata has its exclusive life, Varanasi has the holy Ganges, Kashmir has its culture and scenery, what does Delhi have? What besides ambition is Delhi really about? The capital of India, home of the president, is that it! No, it has a lot more to it, it is now the hub of fashion, media, business, fun and leisure. With so many of languages, cultures and agendas that coexist, Delhi is one of the most awesome cities in the world. Present-day Delhi contains the remnants of at least seven different cities from the legendary city of Indraprastha, on the banks of the Yamuna River, to the Mughal city of Shahjahanabad With ethnicity ranging from the forts of the Mughals and the bungalows of the Raja’s and to our very special India gate with names engraved of soldiers who fought for our country to the modern day malls and amusement parks! With no shortage to tourist spots Delhi is the home to India’s largest mosque, home to world’s largest Hindu temple and south Asia’s largest mall  and half mile long bazaar of chandni chowk. Though Delhi isn’t one of the most green cities, there is a probability of finding a huge tree in the middle of the road. It is a place where the dreams come true; why else would it be so crowded. I love this place and I am proud to be a delhite!!

Tuesday, 29 April 2014


You never know what's gonna come next ,
on your life's next turn,
it could be hurtful pain,
or it could make you burn!

There is only going forward,
there is no U-turn,
so don't regret the past,
and carefully take your next turn.

It has no turf,
It has no guide,
but has many choices,
on its ride!

It has ups and downs,
it has highs and lows,
just they come one by one,
so don't give up when down.

Monday, 28 April 2014

My angel!

Some people believe, there is a one 
The one who points, your way to the sun.
A person they believe, makes them complete
The one who will support, when facing defeat

'You are my angel', my one and only
My forever love, so we'll never be lonely.
You've brought to my life, all your love and care
It made me see, when I realized how rare . .

What you've done, you've illuminated my soul
It's you and your love, that has made me whole.
The feel of your love, your soft touch and caress
We're tight so close, your heart beats in my chest.

All that we have, always felt missing before
Though I love you today, tomorrow it will be more.
Our love is life, we are the strongest tree
Which will always grow forever, like you and me.

You have opened my heart and held it so dear
You are my angel and will always keep it near.
You have seen my ups and cared when I was low.
'You are my angel', I just need you to know.

You entered my life, through a ray of sun above 
And when we leave, we will leave together in love
My love for you, has become my reason to be
I hope one day you'll find, your angel in me.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

That girl!

Once I had a friend,
the name i wont tell,
she was a girl,
but just a friend.

I didn't wanna get close
but still I got,
she had really good eyes,
and was gorgeous and hot.

She was good at everything,
that included studying,
and her eyes were such,
that it could get your heart pounding.

That's what that girl is,
in my opinion,
but when you take a look yourself,
you will agree with my opinion.

Thursday, 24 April 2014


The world is full of people who believe in a higher power, deity, god, bhagwan etc.
But I'm not one of them! In fact, many have a ideology of a atheist.

A pragmatist and a thinker. Atheist, from the Greek "atheos" or "without God", is
the intellectual rejection of belief in God or deities. Atheists emphasize the lack of
empirical evidence that God or an afterlife exists and rely on scientific explanations
for human existence. It should be noted that although atheists often reject all organized
religion, there are some religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism,
that have traditions of atheist philosophies.

My thoughts, ideology and experience is fairly limited to Indian belonging to a strictly
religious family.

Atheists and believers live together in harmony with not many conflicts i.e.
Both of them live together and don't have much problems with each other.
But the experience is different in India. India is literally full of people who are
believers. The most dominant religion "Hinduism" claims existence of about 33 crores 
or 330 million higher powers. God is mentioned in everything  TV shows, movies,
commercials, poems, stories, practically everything.
Even to give respect to elders is done by taking gods name.But when you are an
atheist in India, its tough to live. You are influenced to start believing.
Debates happen, and I mean heated debates, you can even be bullied for being
an atheist.In a place where there are riots on bases of  religion. one
cannot even imagine what happens to people who don't even believe in
religion. Being an atheist doesn't come as a problem to the literate,
even religion doesn't matter to them, the literate people see how the
person is from inside, but illiterate don't see how the person is from
inside, they see what the person believes in and what he is from outside
appearance. But still in some places & corners of India where people are
killed on the name of religion, marriages are broken in name of religion,
even our country was divided into 2 parts because of religion,
one dare not to think or even develop an ideology like a atheist.
There is nothing wrong in being a religious person or an atheist,
but it becomes a problem when this difference in thinking develops into a
fight and resentment.

Today the fights are between two groups of people who are extremists of their religion.
I just hope that in future that fight does not change to religious and atheists.
I have lost some loved ones because of this, on the other hand i have
come closer to many because they still support me.  


Time has passed on this road,
as I have walked it,
it doesn't matter how it is walked,
the end comes quick.

This road has its ups & downs,
which can make one prick,
and their are some moments on the road,
that can make you so happy, that you might become sick.

No two people have a road alike,
as no two people are same,
it doesn't matter how similar they are,
they cannot play the same game.

"Road" is the word for what we live,
yes! "road" means our life,
hence one should always move forward,
and live their life right.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

That tone!

As the time has passed,
it has grown and grown,
this item of rage,
which is my tone.

All it has done is,
hurt everyone!
In so many ways,
it couldn't be undone.

I have tried deep breathing,
I recited all the prayers,
but I don't know why,
this trait is still in there.

No matter what I try to do,
it's always there to ruin,
everything goes to waste,
I mean the efforts, I have been doing!

No psych nor any shrink,
could find a solution,
all i heard was,
this problem had no resolution.


World was ending but our needs from it were not,
things were serious but we were not,
we had some chances to prevent the end,
but they very less and not easy to propend.

It was our mistake, not somebody else's,
which led to today, in very bad circumstances,
I wish I cared about the future,
it wouldn't have ended in this unnecessary situation.

It was like a nightmare, this unpleasant world,
which became like this because of our selfish work,      

I wish I cared about the future,
it wouldn't have ended in this unnecessary situation.

Then i woke up and realised it wasn't real,
then the idea broke up i can become real.
I promise to care about the future,
then it would not end in that unnecessary situation.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

sorry friend

I am sorry friend,
I don't know what to do,
I try so hard,
to be a better person to you!

I do wrong a lot,
and mess up too,
but you are my friend,
and i hope we can make it through.

I know you are troubled by me,
I know I am troublesome too,
and i can assure you of that,
I will somehow make it up to you.

I know I am a fool,
I know you know that too,
and I can really hope that,
I can be forgiven by you.


All the more we know,
all the more we do,
I hope the fate remains the same for me and you.

Things I have done so far,
things I have not done so far,
are all because of you,
are always because of you.

It was in my fate I met you,
I hope I never have to leave you,
for you I live,for you I can die,
that is a promise on which you can always rely.

I might do some mistakes,
I might act rude sometimes,
I hope i can be forgiven,
for that every last last time.

Every thing has been different,
since I have met you, 
I have become happier happier,
for every second I have spent with you.

Please never leave me,
I hope you never do,
because without you I would be lonely,
and would not be able to forget you.